
Post workout Meditation

Post workout Meditation

06 Sessions
Sessions in this pack

Session 1

Locked content

5 Min


Session 2

Locked content

5 Min


Session 3

Locked content

5 Min


Session 2

Locked content

11 Min


Session 2

Locked content

12 Min



Locked content

13 Min

About this pack

A 5 minute session that will help in completing your workout routine.


Increasing awareness of natural as well as conscious breathing


Creating a habit of meditation

What to expect from Post workout Meditation?
How to get started: In the first session, we begin by lying down on the floor with eyes closed and arms and legs spread apart. The first part of the process like always is to take deep breaths in through the nose and to breathe out through the mouth all while focusing on your breath.
This after workout meditation with each breath as you empty your lungs, lets you get rid of unwanted thoughts allowing you to focus on each part of the body and feel all the tension simply melt away. As you slow your rate of breathing, you will feel more and more relaxed.
Follow the instructions carefully:
However, ensure that you feel comfortable while doing these cooldown exercises. Listen to the instructions of our yoga instructor clearly and feel free to pause the session in case you have any doubts and resume at your convenience. All you need after your workout session is 5 minutes to allow your breath to settle and your mind and body to relax. Start your post workout meditation now with this pack from Mind.fit.
Post Workout Meditation
Meditation helps us in relaxing our senses. It helps in calming the mind as well as making it feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Meditation is a technique where an individual uses mindfulness or wakefulness to feel a sense of attention and awareness and achieve mental and emotional clarity and stability. There are various meditation types, such as focused or concentrative, open monitoring or mindfulness meditation and many others. It is believed under one branch of Yoga that the goal of Yoga is Moksha and the way to that goes through meditation. Meditation comes after Asana practice and has been practised through generations of achievers and monks alike. Benefits of meditation include it gives a perspective of the situation in stressful times, builds skills to manage stress, increases self-awareness, helps focus on the present, Reduces negative emotions, increases imagination and creativity & increases patience and tolerance.
What does post-workout mean?
Post-workout basically mean the activities one does after a workout. This is a time that is really important as the body's pulse rate, heart rate etc., is fairly high at this time. Furthermore, the body was sweating and worked up. So what you do to cool down the body ad bring it together really matters at this time.
Who should perform Post Workout Meditation
Meditation after workout can be performed by people of any age group- from little kids to elderly people. However, people with a certain medical condition should avoid performing Post Workout. Research has shown that meditation can be harmful to people with Mental and Psychological disorders such as Anxiety, Depression and Bipolar disorder. Hence, a doctor should be consulted before starting Meditation after workout.
How meditation after workout is effective?
One often thinks that is it good to meditate after a workout? Can we do meditation after exercise? Meditation after workout has various benefits. First and foremost, Meditation after exercise helps relieve stress. When the body, which is worked up after a hectic workout, meditates after the workout, it releases a lot of stress. Hence, the body feels lighter and tension free. Another question that pops up in my mind is when to do meditation before or after exercise? Well, both are good options. So stop thinking should I meditate before or after exercise and do any or both. The next benefit of Meditation after exercise is a more focused mind. Because of the mind leaving down all the stress and heaviness, it can now think more clearly and focus better. When the person steps out of the room after the workout and Post workout meditation, he/ she is ready to set his/ her mind on his goals and aspirations. Post Workout Meditation increases quietness and stillness in mind. Usually, a workout is done in the presence of loud music or involves exercises that take a toll on one's mind's calmness. That is exactly what Pose workout meditation works on. It brings calmness to mind. Post Workout Meditation rejuvenates and revitalizes the senses. It is like someone charges the batteries of the mind and body after Post Workout Meditation. Meditation after workout helps in meditation focus, meditation sleep and managing anger. Meditation after workout is an ideal meditation for kids as well as a stress relief meditation. After Workout Meditation increases your awareness of natural as well as conscious breathing and creates a habit of meditation daily. All said and done, the true benefits of After Workout Meditation can only be understood through experience. So, go ahead and take a class today!
List of Meditation after workout Activities
After having a strong workout session, your heart rate goes crazy. You can take another five minutes to give your body the rest that it needs. Just lie down wherever you are with your legs and arms apart. Let your arms be slightly away from the body, palms facing the ceiling. Close your eyes and, with one long exhale, release the weight of your body into the mat. Feel a sense of grounding into the surface completely under you. At this point, if there is any thought under your head, simply with the next exhalation, breathe all the thoughts out. Empty your lungs, empty your mind. Now, try to slow down the pace of your breathing as much as you comfortably can. Following a trainer's instructions, inhale during the count of 1, 2, 3 and then exhale 1, 2, 3. Inhale once again- 1, 2, 3. Exhale- 1, 2 and 3. Notice your chest expand upwards as you breathe in. And then exhale. Now, notice your chest expand sideways as you breathe and let it deflate as you exhale out. Now notice the upper back expanding into the ground as you breathe. Keep breathing like this now for a few seconds on your own. Now bring your awareness to your face. Relax the face, especially the skin on your forehead. Soften your eyes, relax the cheeks, Relax the jaws. Allow the abdomen to relax. Let it loose. Now bring your attention to the skin. Feel the touch of the air on your skin. Check the taste in your mouth and listen to the sound of your breath. Now sit down in either Sukhaasan, Padmasan or Vajrasan, whichever is a comfortable meditative pose and close your eyes. Focus on your breath. Observe how deep and long your natural breath has become after the workout and primary meditation. Perform the first Pranayam exercise- Anulom Vilom. Close one of your left nostrils with your right hand (last three fingers) and take a breath from your right nostril; now close your right nostril with the thumb of your right hand and exhale from your left nostril. Repeat this 5-7 times. Now relax and again focus on your long breath. Stay with this awareness of the breath for the rest of the day. Remember that the way it is important to exercise our bodies daily; similarly, it is important to exercise our minds on a daily basis. So, don't forget to do your Meditation after Workout every day for a while to recharge your batteries!
Do's and don ts of Post Workout Meditation Activities.
Start Small- You must remember that you cannot perform long meditation after workout exercises right at the beginning of your meditation journey. You must start small with your meditation after workout exercises. What also must be remembered is that the trainer shall give you a number- i.e. perform this exercise 10 times. But if you are comfortable with 8 times, that's good enough. Don't unnecessarily push yourself beyond that point. Go slow and steady, not fast and furious. Follow a routine- Be a creature of habit. Like you brush twice every day, workout every day, similarly you must do Meditation before or after exercise every day, preferably at the same time. This way, you will also notice that not meditating for a day makes you feel that something was missing. That's what habit does to you. Be easy on yourself if you miss- if you miss a session or even multiple sessions, don't beat yourself for it. Pick up from where you left and carry on. Implement change- Monotony is boring. Ask your Meditation before or after exercise instructor to incorporate change. Focus on breath one day and do imagery meditation the next day. The third-day Mantra Meditation can be done. This way, there would be some variety in your Meditation before or after exercise, and you'll not lose interest. Create a meditation space at home- On the days you're unable to go to the studio for a workout, do your Meditation after workout at home. This will help you be regular and also reap the benefits of Meditation after workout right at home. Find a tribe to do Meditation after workout with- This comes with a lot of benefits. One is well-motivated as well as tends to be more regular when one has company for a particular task.
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