
Meditation - Relationships

Created by Dr.Shyam Bhat, these guided meditations will enhance and renew your relationships, and help you heal from a breakup, by connecting with love, empathy, forgiveness and compassion!
Healing from Breakups
7 sessions
Heal from breakups
Loving Kindness
7 sessions
Develop loving kindness for the other
7 sessions
Practice forgiveness of self and others
Empathy & Compassion
7 sessions
Focus on empathy and compassion
Meditation - Relationships
Relationships are a big part of our life, or in other words, life operates from a lot of relationships. The relationship can be formal, like a boss-employee relationship or informal like mother-daughter. Relations can be of any form, and whenever there is instability in it, it affects us badly. While in liberal form, it is necessary and fine. It can also lead to long-term stress, anxiety, and depression sometimes. Through meditation, we can deal with the stress from the relationships as well as maintain our inner peace as well. No relation is more important than the relationship with self, and that can be achieved through meditation for relationship.
Mind.fit, use its robust platform for the guided relationship meditation techniques. While the platform is user-friendly, it proves to be effective too in the case of videos of meditation for relationship anxiety. Through the platform, you can practice gratitude, and through emotions meditation, you will be able to control your emotions and direct it towards your happiness. Breakups can be painful, and sometimes there is a lot in mind to deal with. With the help of Relationship Meditations, you can let go of the harsh feelings, as well as help you rediscover inner peace and rekindle compassion for the future. For certain situations and persons, Forgiveness can be very hard. Through meditation to improve relationships, you can learn to forgive yourself and others, and thus help in renewing your relationships with love, empathy, compassion, and kindness. Meditations provide relaxation which can help in dealing with Panics, anxiety and boosts confidence. With 5 minute meditation, you can beat cravings, boost your morning, and can speak your heart out. There are different forms of human emotions like Anger, Fear, Loneliness, etc. which sometimes are difficult to control. Emotions Meditation helps to understand to control and work on those emotions and take care of yourself. Focus on life is very important. Concentration Meditation with different sounds helps to build your focus and decrease the distractions around so that you will direct only towards your goals. Gratitude helps in keeping a good and positive affirmation towards life. With Gratitude meditation techniques, you can cultivate thankfulness and even for difficult situations or people in your life. With stress relief Meditation, you can learn to let go of the stress from the imagery, views, and sounds of the beach in mind. You can gain freedom from Anxiety by dissolving stress and can also learn some of the stress stories to help you in the journey. Be it your big day or you have to speak in public, the meditation will cover all the anxiety that comes from it. Meditation for relationship insecurity can help build a strong relationship with self first and then with others. It will help you let go of the insecurities and let love take that place.
Meditations create a relaxation position for the brain. This weakens the neural connection with the brain, which provides a feeling of fear and anxiety. It channels your thoughts and helps you focus on the positive aspects of your life-giving a whole new perspective and make you less scared. It focuses on concentration and reduces the distractions around. With a little awareness of breath and the body functions, meditations guide you to be more self-observer.
Relationship Meditation helps in improving our relationships not only with others but with ourselves also. It makes you feel secured and let go of all the insecurities, fears, and doubts you have in your mind regarding any relationship. It boosts self-confidence and prepares you for any event or situation in your life. It removes disturbances and intrusions from your way and makes you more focused on your aim in life. It also helps you recover from toxic relationships, heals you, and prepares you for future love and compassion.
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